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Hilux Revo Thailand

Hilux Revo Thailand

Hilux Revo Thailand By Thailand largest Hilux Revo Dealer and Toyota Hilux Revo Exporter Thailand

By Jack Kates

2017 White Toyota Hilux Revo 4WD DC TRD kit front smallHilux Revo has by and by become Thailand's best selling pick-up truck much as Toyota Hilux Vigo was Thailand's top selling pickup for 11 years. All New 2017 2018 Hilux Revo Thailand model has broken all sales record and is not just best selling pick-up truck but also best selling Toyota pick-up in its class. Jim ast Thailand Car Exporter and Thailand Car Dealer extraordinaire has contributed a lot to Toyota Revo Thailand and Toyota Hilux Vigo's successes as since their introduction we have exported it to over 100 countries of the world and are still exporting hundreds of Toyota Hilux Revo and hundreds of used Toyota Hilux Vigo every month. Here is a video on Toyota Hilux Revo.

Thailand is world's pickup truck capital as there are more per-capita pickups here than anywhere in the world. It is for this reason it is global hub for manufacturing of diesel pickup trucks. Since its release in 2004, Toyota Hilux Vigo has swept all charts and has been consistently Thailand's best selling pickup truck. It is also our top export. Now Toyota Hilux Revo is repeating history once again. Its demand is eclipsing earlier demand for Toyota Hilux Vigo.

Toyota Hilux Thailand Revo is available in Single Cab, Extra Cab, Smart Cab and Double Cab models. Right Hand Drive Toyota Revo is available from Thailand but its cousin Toyota Hilux Invincible is available from our UK office and Toyota Hilux SR5 is available from our Australia office. LHD Hilux is on sale at our Dubai  UAE office. From Thailand Toyota Hilux Revo is available in 2400 cc Diesel, 2800 cc Diesel and 2700 cc Petrol in Right Hand Drive and in 2800 cc in Left Hand Drive. Our Dubai UAE office offers Left Hand Drive Hilux in 2500 cc Diesel and 2700 cc Gasoline Petrol and sometimes 4000 cc Petrol though Petrol version is perennially in short supply as it is snapped up in first few weeks of its availability. 4000 cc Petrol Hilux is available in Right Hand Drive from our Australian and New Zealand offices as well. Toyota Hilux Revo will arrive in Dubai sure enough in a few months.

Toyota Revo dealer Jim is Thailand's largest Toyota pick-up truck dealer and exporter of all models of pick-up trucks as Ford Ranger, Nissan Navara, Ford Ranger, Chevy Colorado, Isuzu Dmax, Tata Xenon, Mitsubishi L200 Triton, Mazda BT-50 and others.

New Toyota Revo Thailand Vigo Champ is also available as are used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2004, used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2005, used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2006, used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2007, used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2008 Minor Change, used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2009 Minor Change, used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2010 Minor Change and used Toyota Vigo Thailand 2011 Minor Change. New Minor Change Facelift Toyota Vigo Thailand Champ 2012 will also soon be available in used. If you want a used Toyota Hilux Vigo from Thailand but envy those who own a Champ then envy no more we can make your 2005 look like a 2012 by doing a facelift for you.