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Uganda Car Import Export

Cars For Sale Uganda

Uganda cars for sale, Uganda 4WD pick-up for sale, Uganda SUV for sale at Thailand, Australia, UK and Dubai largest new used car dealer and exporter

By Jack Kates

Information about Uganda

Thailand  largest new and used car 4WD vigo triton exporter to UgandaA landlocked country in east-central Africa, situated north and northwest of Lake Victoria, Uganda has a total area of 236,040 sq km (91,136 sq mi), of which 36,330 sq km (14,027 mi) is inland water. Comparatively, the area occupied by Uganda is slightly smaller than the state of Oregon. It extends 787 km (489 mi) NNE–SSW and 486 km (302 mi) ESE–WNW. Bounded on the N by Sudan, on the E by Kenya, on the S by Tanzania and Rwanda, and on the W by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DROC). Uganda has a total boundary length of 2,698 km (1,676 mi).

Ugandaans like their cars

Ugandaans like their cars, 4WD pick-up trucks, 4WD SUVs. They want them to be of highest quality but are always on the look out for Uganda Cars For Sale and Uganda 4WD Pick-up trucks for sale and Uganda SUV for sale. Most buyers will buy in the local market as they can touch and feel the vehicle and have it right away if they like a particular car or pickup. Many dealers in Uganda offer cars, luxury cars, pick-up truck or SUVs on sale so there is always a car to be found in a person’s budget.

Read more: Cars For Sale Uganda

JEVIC Inspection for Uganda in Singapore

UGANDA RWI Release Information – Singapore Inspections

By Jack A. Kates

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has appointed the Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Center Co Ltd (JEVIC) for the Pre-Export Roadworthiness Inspection (RWI) of used vehicle from Japan, UK, Singapore and South Africa destined for use within the Republic of Uganda. From the 1st November 2009, all used vehicles exported from above countries will be required to be inspected by JEVIC.
Singapore inspection details are as follows;

Read more: JEVIC Inspection for Uganda in Singapore

JEVIC Inspection for Uganda in United Kingdom

Uganda Pre-Export Roadworthiness Inspection in United Kingdom

By Jack A. Kates

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has appointed the Japan Export
Vehicle Inspection Center Co Ltd (JEVIC) for the Pre-Export Roadworthiness Inspection (RWI) of used vehicles from Japan, UK, Singapore and South Africa destined for use within the Republic of Uganda. From the 1st November 2009, all used vehicles exported from above countries will be required to be inspected by JEVIC.

UK Inspection details are as follows;

Read more: JEVIC Inspection for Uganda in United Kingdom

JEVIC Inspection Criteria for Uganda

Uganda Roadworthiness Inspection Criteria for Vehicles exported from Japan to Uganda

By Jack A. Kates

All used vehicle(s) exported to Uganda from Japan must pass the JEVIC Roadworthiness Inspection (RWI), as regulated by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), prior to export. The criteria includes the following;

IMPORTANT: Any vehicle not inspected in Japan and arriving in Uganda will incur a fee calculated on 15% CIF and be subject to inspection upon arrival by UNBS.

Read more: JEVIC Inspection Criteria for Uganda

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