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Grenada Car Import Export

Car Import Duty in Grenada

Car Duties in Grenada

Grenada is a Right Hand Drive country in the Caribbean and our divisions in Thailand, Singapore, Australia and England can send both new and used RHD cars, 4x4 pick-up trucks, 4WD Sport Utility Vehicles, luxury vehicles, MPVs, vans, trucks and buses.

Duty on new car is around 60%, and on used cars 1 to 4 years old is 127%. Duties on cars older than 5 years are a whopping 157.6% of the CIF landed costs. See chart below for details for exact duty.

Duties in Grenada are compounded:-

CIF:- Cost, Insurance, Freight: is the total cost to get a Car onto the Grenada Port
CET: Common External Tariff :- is 25% of the CIF price
EVL: Environmental Levy :- is 30% of the CIF price
CSC: Customs Service Charge:- is 5% of the CIF price
Excise Tax:-is 40%, & is Calculated on CIF + CET + EVL + CSC added together
VAT: is then Calculated as 15% of all these other taxes --{CIF + CET + EVL + CSC + Excise}

Read more: Car Import Duty in Grenada

Cars For Sale Grenada

Grenada cars for sale, Grenada 4WD pick-up for sale, Grenada SUV for sale at Thailand, Australia, UK and Dubai largest new used car dealer and exporter

By Jack Kates

Information about Grenada

Thailand  largest new and used car 4WD vigo triton exporter to GrenadaLocated about 160 km (100 mi) N of Trinidad and 109 km (68 mi) SSW of St. Vincent, Grenada, which includes the inhabited islands of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique, has an area of 340 sq km (131 sq mi). Comparatively, the area occupied by Grenada is slightly less than twice the size of Washington, D.C. Grenada island extends 34 km (21 mi) NE–SW and 19 km (12 mi) SE–NW, and has a coastline of 121 km (75 mi).

Grenadians like their cars

Grenadians like their cars, 4WD pick-up trucks, 4WD SUVs. They want them to be of highest quality but are always on the look out for Grenada Cars For Sale and Grenada 4WD Pick-up trucks for sale and Grenada SUV for sale. Most buyers will buy in the local market as they can touch and feel the vehicle and have it right away if they like a particular car or pickup. Many dealers in Grenada offer cars, luxury cars, pick-up truck or SUVs on sale so there is always a car to be found in a person’s budget.

Read more: Cars For Sale Grenada